Twelve undeniable signs globalists are engineering THE END of humanity
19397 views • 07/31/2023

- Far beyond mere #depopulation, this is engineered global #genocide against an entire species (humans)

- Left-wing media now calling for engineered power grid #blackouts to save the #climate

- Radical Left is at WAR with food, energy, transportation and commerce that keeps humanity alive

- #Climatechange is a cover story to dismantle human societies and initiate global #famine

- Planetary-scale #terraforming now under way with CO2 sequestration machines

- Biometric INVENTORY of the human race is now under way with #Worldcoin

- Government schools have ABANDONED #education because there is no plan for any real future for today's youth

- Governments continue to fund and deploy dangerous #bioweapons designed to exterminate the human race

- Agricultural #crops are being decimated through monopolization of the seed supply: #GMO Frankenfood pesticide poisons

- Autonomous #robots being rolled out to replace labor jobs, drivers, warehouse workers... humans soon obsolete

- AI systems will replace white-collar workers: Journalists, writers, artists, lawyers, researchers and more

- #CDC about to push ANNUAL #COVID jabs to achieve accelerated depopulation and #infertility of the human race

- #Geoengineering being aggressively deployed to cause huge crop failures stemming from #droughts and floods

- Infertility chemicals like #atrazine and deliberately deployed into the food supply / hormone disruptors

- Global fiat currency #debt "rug pull" about to be initiated that will end the era of cheap money and easy growth

- How to protect your assets and freedoms by using #decentralized content platforms and #crypto money systems

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